This video course offers you a complete, clear repertoire for Black
against the moves 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. The recommended variations are easy to
learn and not difficult to remember, but also pose White serious
challenges. Against 1.Nf3 the plan is to respond with 1…d5 as Black is
ready to return to the Queen’s Gambit Accepted in case White plays 2.d4
(see the other video course). In this part, all White’s relevant
alternatives (2.c4, 2.e3, 2.b3, 2.g3) are covered in depth. Against the
English Opening (1.c4 e5) the Grand Prix Attack with colours reversed
(2…Nc6 & 3…f5) is an attractive weapon for club players and grandmasters
alike, as it can be played against 2.Nc3 and 2.g3. In some lines, Black
is about to launch a quick offensive against the white king, while in
other cases a heated battle in the centre may be expected. The video
course is complemented by 15 exercises to test your knowledge, 10
positions to play-out to develop a better feeling for the type of
positions, as well as a database with around 150 model games.