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My Life for Chess Vol. 1

27.90 CHF

Autor:Viktor Kortchnoi
An Lager:0 Stück
Kategorie:Schachtraining Videos
Lieferung:Download oder Post
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Viktor Kortchnoi is doubtlessly one of the most electrifying personalities of the chess world. Still playing successful and attractive chess, the 73-year-old former double world championship
finalist is also famous for his candid language. Kortchnoi was never one for mincing his words. Now you can experience this chess legend live”: with the new ChessBase DVDs My Life for Chess”, Kortchnoi has created a vivid memorial to himself and his great chess career. In Volume 1, he presents eight of his most brilliant effort from the years 1949-1979, among them games against Smyslov, Geller, Tal, Huebner and Karpov. In each case Kortchnoi describes in detail the story around the game, never beating around the bush, sometimes harshly criticizing his opponents, but also lavishing praise on them when this is warranted. A highlight is the game against Karpov from the match for the world championship in Baguio 1978. All in all, My Life for Chess Vol. 1” offers more than three hours of first-class chess training, plus an extensive interview. A must-have for every chess fan!
Nur auf Englisch lieferbar!
Victor Kortchnoi, two-times contender for the world championship, is a piece of living chess history. In the 60 years of his career, Victor the Terrible” crossed swords with practically all great players of the past and presence, including Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov. A relentless fighter at the board, he expressed his never-ending love for the royal game in a very simple phrase – Chess is my life”.
Systemvoraussetzungen: Pentium Prozessor 300 MHz oder besser, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Media Player 9.0, DVD-ROM Laufwerk, Maus, Soundkarte.
