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Know the Terrain Vol. 1: The Carlsbad

27.90 CHF

Autor:Sam Collins
An Lager:0 Stück
Kategorie:Schachtraining Videos
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The information explosion has led to a massive increase in opening theory. But how often do you win a game with a prepared line? What gives strong players the edge over their opponents is not some blockbuster novelty, but a deep understanding of the pawn structures to which their openings lead – an understanding that lasts into the middlegame and endgame, and is transferrable between different openings with similar structures. In this DVD, Sam Collins examines one of the most important structures in chess, the Carlsbad. Long the playground of the world champions, whether with Karpov’s classical approach of Nf3 or Botvinnik and Kasparov’s incredible results with Nge2 and f3, the Carlsbad has an enormous strategic potential for White (exemplified by the legendary “minority attack”) countered by Black’s deceptively simple kingside counterplay. Video running time: 7 hours
